About Me

My name is Marion Scrymgour and I’m your elected representative in the Australian Government for the seat of Lingiari.

I grew up in Darwin, one of twelve children. My mother is Tiwi, and my father is a stolen generation Anmatjere man.

My father's story has impacted me in a big way. My father was a good man, a hard worker, and a loving father. But the government, and the system of taking children from their families, left him scared and hurt. This is something his children carry in their hearts.

My mother was a proud, culturally strong woman. She taught me about culture and helped me connect with language.

At the age of 16 I started working. I did a whole range of jobs, typewriting, bull tying, other farm work, and administration. After school I went to the University of Southern Queensland, studying Business Administration.

I then started my work in the community-controlled health sector. For 23 years I worked in this field, working in remote communities, on my home of Tiwi, and in Katherine. I saw first-hand the need for a strong government to help provide services for all our citizens, but particularly our Indigenous Australians.

In 2001 I was elected to the Northern Territory Legislative Assembly representing the bush seat of Arafura. I served in the Northern Territory Government, as an MLA, a Minister, and as Deputy Chief Minister, for 11 years.

In 2013, after retiring from the Northern Territory Legislative Assembly - it was time to go back home.

I worked on Tiwi as the CEO of the Tiwi Regional Council, before being appointed the CEO of the Northern Land Council in 2019.

Throughout my entire working life, I’ve fought hard for justice and for those in need. It’s at the core of who I am.

I am excited to continue this fight and deliver for Lingiari.